Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Baptism

She is a very quiet girl.... She is one of at least a dozen middle school age girls in the Sunday school class I teach every week. They are all sweet... This particulary young lady is precious. She is always attentive and quick to smile, but very reserved. She came up to me after class, and asked me if I would be present for her baptism this afternoon at 3:30. I told her: Of course I will be there.

As her father prepared to ask for her confession of faith, he asked if any among the small band of people gathered would like to make a comment. A Sunday school teacher who had taught her when she was in elementary school complimented her obvoius interest in spiritual things at that stage in her life. Her "adopted" Grandmother from church reinforced her love for her that had already been expressed in weekly letters sent to our baptismal candidate. The youth minister reflected on the time he had spent in the family home. And I gloatingly told the group that I had the disntinct privilege of having her in class right now.

Her mother cried, her younger sister cried, and her dad tried real hard not to cry... I just sat and soaked up what I think is one of the most moving experiences I have ever had during a baptism.
The tears of joy running down this sweet young ladies face were evidence to me of a true heartfelt conversion.

I am glad I am a minister. We sit on the 50 yard line during the most signficant events in the lives of those we are privileged to serve. How could I be more blessed?

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