Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Baptism

She is a very quiet girl.... She is one of at least a dozen middle school age girls in the Sunday school class I teach every week. They are all sweet... This particulary young lady is precious. She is always attentive and quick to smile, but very reserved. She came up to me after class, and asked me if I would be present for her baptism this afternoon at 3:30. I told her: Of course I will be there.

As her father prepared to ask for her confession of faith, he asked if any among the small band of people gathered would like to make a comment. A Sunday school teacher who had taught her when she was in elementary school complimented her obvoius interest in spiritual things at that stage in her life. Her "adopted" Grandmother from church reinforced her love for her that had already been expressed in weekly letters sent to our baptismal candidate. The youth minister reflected on the time he had spent in the family home. And I gloatingly told the group that I had the disntinct privilege of having her in class right now.

Her mother cried, her younger sister cried, and her dad tried real hard not to cry... I just sat and soaked up what I think is one of the most moving experiences I have ever had during a baptism.
The tears of joy running down this sweet young ladies face were evidence to me of a true heartfelt conversion.

I am glad I am a minister. We sit on the 50 yard line during the most signficant events in the lives of those we are privileged to serve. How could I be more blessed?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

I Got to Hold A Baby Today...

I Got To Hold a Baby Today: A Reflection of 12 Hours of Ministry
October, 2005
Granbury, Texas

(Note: This series of ministry events began unfolding on a Friday morning, around 11:30, and were completed around 11:30 the evening of the same day.)

I got to hold a baby today…you know it is one of those things that preachers get to do… We go to the hospital to pray for the newborn. We go and pray with the parents at such a joyful time. And sometimes, we enjoy the fringe benefit of holding God’s new and precious gift.

I got to hold a baby today…

While I was rocking a little boy who was only hours old in my arms, another mother of a newborn from my church was sobbing quietly down the hall. Her baby was about to be transported to the nearby children’s hospital. We are not sure what is wrong, says the pediatrician….I prayed with that family too.

I got to hold a baby today…

And only hours after enjoying that ultimate fringe benefit of ministry, I was at the bedside, or should I say cribside of the little guy who was taken to the children’s hospital. I was only one there since his mother had not been dismissed from the hospital where he was born. Hold his pacifier in his mouth, the nurse says. He won’t be able to eat for a few days, only iv fluids for now… Can he feel hunger, I ask? Oh yes, he feels hunger! But only iv fluids for now.
We are not sure what is wrong, says the neonatologist…

I got to hold a baby today…

While I held the pacifier with great diligence, another couple’s hearts were breaking in a nearby NICU cubicle. I am sorry, she didn’t make it, says the neonatologist… They called the hospital chaplain. He gently led them through the next mind boggling, emotionally wrenching minutes of their life. I walked around the corner of the waiting room to give them so privacy, so he could gather their family for a group prayer. And later I happened to follow them to the parking garage. They were empty handed, except for a video camera, that captured the last few minutes of joy that they will experience for some time. They got in their car, and drove off…. I drove off in mine. We went our separate ways forever, but for a few moments, unbeknownst to each other, we shared some tears together.

I got to hold a baby today…

My little friend in the hospital has been dismissed. They know what was wrong now! He can feel hunger, and he can sense satisfaction from eating now…He stared me down with the most beautiful eyes.

I got hold a baby today….
Only hours before I held that pacifier in his mouth, I had to intrude on the privacy of a perfect stranger. She is 79 years old…I was given the grim duty by the Sheriff’s department of telling her that her 47 year old son had taken his own life. She was doing everything she could to help him get on his feet, she said. I wondered what was wrong, as she reflected on his 47 years…I wondered how it must feel to lose one whom you took home from the hospital so many years ago. I wonder if the preacher held him, and prayed for him, before he went home.

I got to hold a baby today.

You know it is one those things that preachers get to do…

Celebrating the Journey

This is a my first attempt at blogging, so here goes! I am looking forward to sharing some of my essays, and interacting with close friends through this medium. Hopefully this can be a forum for theological reflection as well as mutual encouragement.

A little about me...I suppose I may have to become more accustomed to sharing about myself and of myself...

I have been a minister for a whoppping 20 years now. I am currently serving the Granbury Church of Christ as preaching minister. I also coordinate chaplaincy services for the Texas Dept. of Public Safety in Region VI, and serve as chaplain for the Granbury Police Dept. This role entails crisis intervention and services to victims.

I married Jan 23 years ago today. We are blessed with three great boys: Randall, Daniel, and Mitchell. Randall is a university student, and the other two are still at home! (Thankfully)

We love our life and ministry in Granbury. We work with great people in a wonderful community.

I can't wait to share more with each of you.